Walmart Layaway Information

Sept. 22, 2021 update: It looks like Wal-Mart will not be offering its layaway plan for the 2021 holiday season. Instead, it’s pushing the “buy now pay later” Affirm financing system, which assesses interest similar to that of a credit card.

Nov. 2, 2020 update: While Wal-Mart continues to offer layaway, it’s pulled back on the number of stores participating in the program for the 2020 holiday season. A store locator on the Wal-Mart website indicates which stores will offer layaway. Company spokesman Casey Staheli told an Arkansas newspaper, “Stores continuing layaway were selected based on usage of the program over the past few years.” Some industry experts take this as a signal that Wal-Mart wants customers to instead use its buy now, pay later program called Affirm. For locations that do offer layaway, the last day to pay off items this year is Dec. 14.

Sept. 30, 2019 update: This year, the layaway program runs from Aug. 30 through Dec. 9. Everything placed on layaway must be paid for and picked up by Dec. 9. Wal-Mart has raised the cancellation fees this year: $20 or 20 percent, whichever is greater. This could amount to a substantial fee, and at minimum equals your down payment, so be certain that you plan to pay off the items you lay away. In some states, the cancellation fee cannot exceed $25 (Alabama) or $50 (North Carolina). No cancellation fee can be charged in Ohio, Maryland, Rhode Island, or Washington D.C. The layaway program still requires a minimum of $50 in purchases, but this year each item placed on layaway must retail for at least $10. The layaway program also excludes all wireless phones.

Sept. 12, 2018 update: Wal-Mart layaway started on Aug. 31 this year. The rules remain largely the same: No opening fee, pay 10% of $10 down (whichever is greater), and hold at least $50 worth of purchases from categories such as electronics (but no contract-required phones), toys, small appliances, select sporting goods, and jewelry. The program runs through Dec. 10, and everything must be claimed and paid off by that date. Be aware that a $10 cancellation fee now applies, except in: Ohio, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Washington D.C.

Sept. 6, 2017 update: This year, amid lagging toy sales, Wal-Mart launched its layaway program earlier than ever, on Sept. 1. The terms remain the same: pay 10% or $10 down (whichever is greater) to hold at least $50 worth of items. All items must be paid off and claimed by Dec. 11.

According to Reuters news, analysts say that, in some regions, layaway programs now account for 15% of holiday revenue at large retailers such as Wal-Mart. Star Wars items, along with video games and Lego sets, are expected to be big sellers this year. Wal-Mart boasts 300 exclusive toys for the 2017 Christmas and Hanukkah season.

Sept. 1, 2016 update: Wal-Mart launched its layaway program earlier than usual this year, Sept. 2, in part to capitalize on interest in Star Wars Rogue One merchandise as well as other hot holiday toys. Buyers must put 10% or $10 down (whichever is greater). Items placed on layaway must cost at least $10, and you’ll need to have at least $50 worth of items in your “basket” to initiate the layaway. All items must be paid off by Dec. 12.
Sept. 21, 2014 update: For the 2014 holiday season, which launched Sept. 12, all Wal-Mart layaway orders must be picked up and paid for by Dec. 15. There’s a $10 cancellation fee, but the retailer is temporarily waiving its $5 “opening fee” and expanding the categories of products that can be placed on layaway.

Each item must be $15 or more, and the total layaway value must exceed $50. The down payment required is $10 or 10 percent, whichever is greater. There is no online layaway option. Payment and pickup must be made in the store, though Wal-Mart may store some items off-site, making them available up to 10 days after final payment but no later than Dec. 15.

Aug. 24, 2013 update: Wal-Mart has ditched the $5 layaway fee for the 2013 season. However, the $10 cancellation fee that was eliminated last year is back. In a move that some in the financial press called a “desperate” move, the retailer is offering free layaway starting on Sept. 13, which is a few days earlier than last year. The last day of 2013 Wal-Mart layaway is Dec. 13, and more than 35,000 items are eligible.

Sept. 4, 2012 update: This year, Wal-Mart is launching its holiday layaway program even earlier, which may also help shoppers who are interested in back to school layaway. The store will begin to accept layaway items on Sept. 16, and consumers who “Like” Wal-Mart on Facebook can set their planned purchases aside as early as Sept. 14. In 2011, the year Wal-Mart layaway returned, items weren’t accepted until Oct. 17.

Wal-Mart has also changed its layaway rules, and buyers who pay off their balance sooner will get a better deal. Last year, there was a $5 fee plus a $10 fee if the customer cancelled. In 2012, customers will kick down a $5 layaway fee and if they pay their account off by Dec. 14 (within 60 days rather than the also-allowed 90 days), they’ll receive a $5 Wal-Mart gift card. There’s still a down payment required of the greater of $10 or 10 percent, and there’s a minimum purchase requirement of $50, and each item must cost $15 or more. However, Wal-Mart is allowing even more product types to be put on layaway, such as sports and exercise equipment and small appliances. Wal-Mart is also highlighting Apple iPad layaway and Lego layaway in addition to laptop computers and toys.

So, technically, Wal-Mart layaway is not free in 2012, but if shoppers follow through with the purchase, they’ll get their 5 bucks back in the form of a gift card. [There has been some confusion, because when 2012 Wal-mart layaway was first announced, the company, in its initial Aug. 20 press release, described a $15 open fee that could be refunded in the form of a $15 gift card.]


On Sept. 8, 2011, Wal-Mart announced the return of layaway for the Christmas season. Starting Oct. 17, select toys and electronics can be placed on layaway. (Layaway won’t be allowed on “Black Friday,” the day after Thanksgiving.) Toys must be at least $15 each, and all layaways must total at least $50. There’s a nonrefundable $5 fee, plus another $10 if you cancel the layaway.

(earlier post continues below)
After years of offering layaway to its customers, Walmart did away with the program on Sept. 14, 2006. The reasons given were that not enough people were using it and it cost too much (in staff time and floor space) to offer it. Plus, a spokesperson told media at the time, most people just use credit cards.

Some customers got together a petition to bring back Walmart layaway, but it didn’t work. Walmart spokespeople have stated on numerous occasions that the company has no plan to bring back layaway. In many stores, the physical space once occupied by the Layaway Department is now home to the Site to Store feature, for online order delivery.

Even after Wal-Mart discontinued its layaway program, the retailer continued to offer layaway on jewelry only in some markets. Some consumers report that “their” Wal-Marts still allow jewelry layaway.

Spokespeople continue to insist that ending layaway has not hurt Walmart’s business, but Internet message boards show many complaints about its absence, and Kmart is making its layaway program a key part of its Christmas advertising push.

As of December 2010, there are 10 Facebook groups devoted to petitioning for Wal-Mart to bring back layaway. One has 132,000 members.

396 Responses to “Walmart Layaway Information”

  1. Cheryl says:

    Amy, your comment is uncalled for. There is nothing wrong with using layaway to buy something for someone you care about. I can only assume you are wealthy and haven’t had to know the shame in not having that gift for your young child because the money you squirreled away in a jar to purchase it was stolen. If it was put on a layaway, it would still be there. Get over yourself.

  2. Pissed in WV says:

    I cant believe they are putting these kinds of stipulations on the layaway..Im a single mom and i have used layaway in the past to buy christmas, birthdays and anything else I needed..not just holidays.. I think Mr. Walton is turning in his grave and outraged at this kind of nonsence Walmart is doing now… Ill just go and pay a little more at Kmart. I usually do all my grocery shopping at walmart but now I think ill go elsewhere since walmart isnt wanting to help out like Kmart all year round…

  3. Rose says:

    Glad Walmart is bringing back layaway but it needs to be on all things not just electronics and toys some poeople cant afford to by clothes for Christmas for the kids. So it should be on all things they need to layaway. Should be an on going layaway for the people.

  4. Kahn says:

    I’m thankful for the lay-a-ways. I sent out an email regarding Wal-Mart lay-a-ways as well. I think it would be nice if they do this every year, so the people who may have more of a challenge financially can have Christmas for their kids. Of course I would have loved everything being able to be put on lay-a-way, but I’m grateful for where they are starting. So lets stop complaining and be thankful that Wal-Mart even did this much. This is great start and a big help. GO WAL-MART!!

  5. Lynne says:

    I will be using K’mart. I can put what I want in layaway, plus I like that it’s all year round.

  6. Jwoods says:

    Amy, There are many reasons layaway is great, and yes one of those is budgeting. So what is some people use layaway to help them budget. It is much cheaper and safer than using credit cards. You can secure items that you want that are limited such as limited edition versions of video games. You need to get a grip and stop insulting people online. Hope you never have to use layaway because I guess then you would be ashamed of yourself..right.

  7. lisa says:

    please bring back lay-away for everything like rose said some people are on fixed incomes and cannot afford to get their childeren clothing and shoes also under garments……ect…..

  8. Mel says:

    I am glad to hear that Walmart is bringing back layaway, but originally it stated just Toys and Electronics…. Now you have to spend at least $15 for a toy to be able to go into layaway and only certain Electronics?????? WTH Why can’t they just bring back the old Layaway where you could put anything in it (aside from clearance, food, ect.)?? I used Walmart layaway all the time when they had it before. I loved that I could put Toys, Clothes, and other items in it. I spent a lot that way and it was easier to afford since I don’t have a lot of money, I could pay over time without using a Credit Card and getting charged a finance charge on a large Purchase. If you ask me Walmart needs to bring back the entire layaway deal where you can put clothes and other things in it. Also I can’t believe that they are going to charge you $10.00 if you have to cancel your layaway. They already are going to charge you $5.00 to put it in. I feel that is a Rip Off and I think I may just go to Kmart if they choose to not change their tune.

  9. Lorrie says:

    it’s wonderful to hear walmart bringing back layaway. i hope that they have found a way to be more organized when it comes to people getting their layaway out. it is never a pleasent time getting your xmas gifts out of layaway. lets try to be more together. thanks

  10. Layaway is a good way for people to pay off what they would need or would like instead of getting a credit card. However…layaway shouldn’t have a fee. Why are they treating it like a credit card?!?!?!

  11. grandma of 8 says:

    i will be behind the counter as an associate in the layaway department this year although i do not agree with some of the terms i would like to hope this will be just a start to bring layaway back so the customers can be served all year long i will be kind and curtious to all customers and do my job to the best of my abilities im not here to disapoint anyone and will try to make the transition as pleasurable as i can i do enjoy the department and hope to serve each and everyone in the near future

  12. Anonymous says:


  13. Jeannie says:

    I will not be using walmart layaway….I will be sticking with Kmart who has ALWAYS had layaway for its people….

  14. Jeanne says:

    Layaway is a service I very much appreciate. I use it whenever possible to avoid using credit cards. I do bring in just a bit over what my living costs total. I have no intentions of paying any extra $$ to use a piece of plastic. I believe a $5 dollar convenience/service fee is very fair and I can understand a minimum requirement for the service as well as stipulations like NO CLEARANCE ITEMS since they’re clearanced to move them out of the store…put that stuff on clearance, someone cancels a layaway and a home has to be created for it yet again however, it would be nice if more items were allowed…sheets, bedding, clothing, tires, and extended beyond the holidays to include the rest of the year…a new grill for Father’s Day, new pillows and bedding after all that Spring cleaning…exercise equipment for those resolutions…instead of another boring tv ’cause that’s all I could do on installments…

    I’ve gone back to making gifts which I don’t mind a bit and exercising using cans of soup…life goes on…with or without layaway.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Laway should b allyr long an shoud b able put clothes n laway kids an adults need clothes an coats keep warm

  16. Pamala says:

    To Amy…your attitude really sucks. I’m guessing you never had to use layaway, well lucky you. We should all be so lucky. You talk about putting a little money in an envelope or in savings every week, unless you’ve walked a mile in someone’s shoes who use and depends on lay a way for holidays, birthdays, clothes shopping for young children, KEEP YOUR SIMPLE MINDED, UNASKED FOR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.

    You want to know what happens to that money we do put away…IT GOES TO BILLS AND FOOD. Which is why people turn to lay a way. You can get the things you need at the price they are offering it to the public and pay a little every week and you know the money is going towards your law a way and not to more bills or food.

  17. Tina says:

    wal-mart should bring back the layaway dept., i bought all my christmas there. i have 3 grandsons and i needed the layaway at wal-mart. k-mart is more exspencive but i will go there if wal-mart doesn,t bring layaway back.its not going to break the owner of wal-mart, please he has more money than i will ever see.i have been a customer of wal-mart for years but i guess it doesnt matter what i want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Tina says:

    i want the layaway to come back all year round, not just for holidays!!!!!!!!!

  19. Anonymous says:

    I am happy Walmart’s layaway is back. I work in the education industry and get paid once a month. This will really help me out. By putting what I need to get in layaway and make payments is great!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Don’t leave a comment here, if you want the powers that be to hear your voice call1800WALMART

  21. Mike c says:

    If we stop doing business with Walmart remember mongomery wards? No body last unless they take care of there customers.

  22. Tamika says:

    I agree with you all. I have been a single parent to four wonderful children. I have depended on layaway more then once. Yes you may put money away to buy gifts but a bill comes up or the kids need something and before you know it the money is gone. If you have a lay way you casn go pay on it each week and know the money you set a side for gifts go on gifts. Sorry not everyone is rich or born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I think wal-mart should bring back lay away all year but like it use to be with lest restrictions on it.

  23. jeananne says:

    oh please bring back the layaway plan… it would really help me and my family..being that i can not afford credit card charges anymore.. i would definetly be buying on it..

  24. pat says:

    layaway should be what ever we need to get on layaway!!!!!

  25. pat says:

    lay away should also be all year around!!!!!
    $$$$$$$$$$$ is tight

  26. Anonymous says:

    What ever happened 2 Walmart being 4 the working class. I worked 4 this co. 4 13yrs. n contrary 2 what they say,layaway has hurt their profit.

  27. Susan says:

    Kmart and Sears you can use layaway all year round and put what ever you want on layaway.!!!!! $$$$$$

  28. josephine says:

    I think thats the best news in these hard times. Yeah, Kmart’s layaway was there for us to go to but, the prices on the christmas items especially the toys was extreme. Things you could go to Toys R Us for ( and these were the same items you found cheaper) there just wasn’t a layaway. Now we get a chance again and all we’re doing is complaining. I think if they do decidse to bring it back year round the should do it like the do the policy of returning items. You get 3 chances and if you abuse the use of the layaway, your banned for 6 months. And if you continue to abuse the use of the layaway you no longer get that privilege. PS. Amy has a money tree @ her house lets go there. LOL

  29. Walmart cashier says:

    I am a cashier at a walmart. I will be using kmart layaway.I am a single mom and do not get anyhelp what so ever. I have no idea where my child’s has dissapeared to. I have many problems with walmart. They dont even pay their employes enough to have gas to get to work. That is one of the biggest complaints in my store. The walmart layaway is a joke. The stipulations on the return is rediculas. They have raised prices to high and treat us so bad since all the new owners care about is the money in their pocket. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful for the small income that I do have. I have learned to make it go far, but my daughter needs more than toys. Plus I save more at kmart even without my walmart discount which is a joke. Walmart needs to relize that it will take alot more than a small peace offering to bring back all the costumers they have offended. And to u Amy come spend a month in my shoes wondering do u pay all of ur rent or get ur child a pair of shoes that fit and cloths to keep her warm. Then u can make a comment on how we on the lower income braket spend out money because only someone who has had little to no struggles could be so ignorant.

  30. Walmart cashier says:

    I ment my child’s father. Computer autocorrect sucks.

  31. Patty says:

    I think that bringing layway back is good. It makes it possible for low iom families to be ble to buy gifts for their families with out trying to come up with all the money at once. The only thing is that I think that they should have layway all year around. It makes it easier to buy clothes, school supplies and other thing they need through out the year.

  32. Amanda says:

    I am also glad that they are bringing law-a-way back. This year has been hard on us and this will help us get our kids the bigger toys that they needed and or want. Amy walmart is not teaching how to budget money. For some of us this is a lot easier because if we but the money aside and then have something unexpected come up we would use that money. This way the money gets used for what it is suppose to. It is just the same as putting in a jar or whatever. Some people can’t afford to buy what they need. I hope they bring it back all year long.

  33. Anjanette says:

    OK like all the rest of you when Walmart stopped layaway it really hurt me financially I also so agree that they need to make it all year round and just like it used to be. Yes it will make Christmas better being I am disabled on SSI and only get paid once a month. But come on layaway just for electronics and toys, what about the rest of the store. My oldest likes art and that is in the pencil and marker department. What about the parents, I need clothes and things for online school like a desk and computer items more cds and notebooks for notes. So please change the amount of the price for each item, 15 dollars it rediculous. The boys in my family wants sports or other of cards or superheroes figures and some don’t even cost that much each.

  34. Anjanette says:

    By the way for your information I don’t live near a Kmart. I didn’t even know the Sears near me had a layaway, do they all.

  35. Chandra says:

    Amy……….it’a not that people don’t have enough money to purchase their items maybe it’s the fact that someone will hold your items for you until Christmas time so that your kids won’t be snooping around the house to see what they have…maybe instead of you talking down to people…if you think it’s such a shame that Walmart has to teach us how to budget our money…maybe you should start a FREE financial advisory program at your Church so that people in your area can be helped by your financial expertise….If you are not going to help the situation don’t talk about it…That is all thanks………

  36. Mom says:

    I think there are pros and cons to layaway. However the pro for me is having the Christmas stuff somewhere othere than here for as long as possible so my kids don’t snoop.

  37. katie says:

    I have been on both sides of the christmas shopping, I have had good years where i could pay for what I wanted to purchase and had years where it took more planning and budgeting. I think it is nice that Wal mart is trying to make an effort to help the message to me is they are doing it out of pressure because of their failing reputation to be a Friendly store. When Wal mart had layaway year round I spent much more money with them because I could choose what I wanted to buy and budget it over 8 weeks. Now I shop at other places because a lot of times I can find better deals then Wal mart’s already low prices. I will probably use the service this year being a mother of 4 young children there is plenty of things that will fall into their rules I will want. If there is a lay away I would recommend (if they still do it) is TJ Maxx great prices and they have lay away. for anyone out there with kids under 10 let me tell you they have some neat toys you wont find at a lot of other stores besides maybe toys r us and at a fraction of the cost.

  38. Ms Lady says:

    Amy: among other diverse reasons, using layaway gives you the option to put as many items on hold as you like for a small deposit, whereas if you wait until the money is saved up, the item(s) you want(ed) may no longer be available or in stock. While putting away the money a little at a time, that can be payment instead toward the layaway that’s already established. It’s a personal choice to use layaway, and if you don’t need to use it, consider yourself especially blessed; but don’t criticize others who choose to use it. Everyone’s situation is different. And on that note, I pray that you will have the opportunity to use the layaway plan. Come back and let us know how you liked it.

  39. lakin says:

    yes it should be on all things i was going to put a layaway there until i read this i think i will go to Kmart as well to do that …. they should not have stipulations like that either….. i hate that they are like that people need help in this time and they want to act like that …. so i guess they want have one more customer cause i need somewhere i can put whatever in layaway and come and get it when i want and put whatever and how much it cost should not be a problem either ….

  40. connie says:

    I have 5 kids and i have allways used Walmart lay-a-way untell they stoped it. Let me tell you my kids were not happy. I couln’t buy the stuff like I did befor because I didnt have the money to buy every thing at one time.Lattly I have to start to Chrismas shop in Jan. to get everything. So I will be in the line with all my stuff Oct.17 my kids are going to have a big Chrismas this year…I know that Walmart is only doing this because every one bitched enough but THANK YOU WALMART.
    P.S. to every one that live neer a K-Mart your lucky.

  41. 4 my kids says:

    Amy your a B… you eather have to much money or u are a Scrooge. I will tell you like i tell my kids. If you cant say some thing nice DONT SAY NOTHING at all… Thank you Walmart for bringing back the Lawway

  42. Tonya Tatum says:

    I was so looking forward to this, only to find out that its only open for toys n eletronics. I like too buy other thing’s beside toy’s for my grandbabies. this suck look like i will be going to k-mart n just think i really like walmart too.

  43. ex walmart employee says:

    i think it’s good walmart brought back layaway but the stipulations are stupid. if what i want is cheaper at walmart than kmart then that’s where i’ll get it from. amy just because people use layaway does not mean they don’t know how to budget their money. i budget mine damn good you are probably one of the main people using layaway and will be the first in line to put something in’

  44. never again says:

    Last year I did not purchase any Christmas gift from Walmart but my husband bought a digicam. On the reciept was a mem card which he did not ask for nor recieve so I assume the cashier just rang it up and pocketed the money. This year I will use Kmarts ONLINE layaway option which does not have near the stipulations that Walmart’s layaway has. Walmart is just too big for its britches.

  45. Kym says:

    I think Walmart made a HUGE error in getting rid of the layaway in the first place. They are now backtracking to catch up with other retailers – again – in which their upgrades, etc were designed to do in the first place – especially with all the rules they want to implement. I won’t be using their store, as I don’t want to spend extra money to do a layaway when I can do it for free. The family members that took over have made a huge mess as far as I’m concerned. I wonder what Sam would think about all of this now?? I used to work there, but it’s just not for me!
    Maybe this will bring light to the fact they need to quit their upgrades and go back to basics…doubt it, but when the majority of consumers disagree there has to be a change somewhere!

  46. Precious says:

    It’s great that Wal-Mart has brought back it’s layaway but they need to do more than toys and electronics so that our people can bring there money to wal-mart instead of taking it to kmart because that’s who’s getting all the business this time of the year, so please wla-mart bring back layaway all year long so i want have to travel to prattville, do everything in layaway not just toys and electronics because everybody dont play with toys.

  47. EJ says:

    This is stupid you only can layaway 50$ worth of stuff well it has to equal that amount

  48. gramdma says:

    i have 11 grandkids, and 4 greatgrandkids i

    i ‘ a grandmother who live on afix income. i have 11 grandkids and 4 great grand kids . it is very hard to buy for all of then.before i could buy some thing for everyone , when Walmart had layaway, i could start in JULY and had time to pay for all gifts now i can’t afford to buy any one any thing they don’t seem to care hard it is for the elderly.

  49. Angel says:

    I love walmart layaway and will be using it this year. The fee isnt bad its the same price as kmarts. All though I was hoping to put my daughter a few new outfits in but thats ok. This is just a start and maybe next year (if all goes well) there will be a better plan. Im sure walmart will see a much greater slaes increase this year.

  50. Amanda says:

    if you don’t know already, Kmart also charges a fee to put items on layaway, and I believe it is $10 and there is a cancellation fee. They also require you to pay every 2 weeks and for a fixed amount of the total. Walmart is listening to the public and bringing layaway back for Christmas is only the beginning. If it proves to be effective, they will bring it back next year and consider expanding the departments. Walmart lost money for years on layaway, but now with the economy the way it is, they have decided to bring it back. Be greatful there is an option other than Kmart available.

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