Walmart Layaway Information

Sept. 22, 2021 update: It looks like Wal-Mart will not be offering its layaway plan for the 2021 holiday season. Instead, it’s pushing the “buy now pay later” Affirm financing system, which assesses interest similar to that of a credit card.

Nov. 2, 2020 update: While Wal-Mart continues to offer layaway, it’s pulled back on the number of stores participating in the program for the 2020 holiday season. A store locator on the Wal-Mart website indicates which stores will offer layaway. Company spokesman Casey Staheli told an Arkansas newspaper, “Stores continuing layaway were selected based on usage of the program over the past few years.” Some industry experts take this as a signal that Wal-Mart wants customers to instead use its buy now, pay later program called Affirm. For locations that do offer layaway, the last day to pay off items this year is Dec. 14.

Sept. 30, 2019 update: This year, the layaway program runs from Aug. 30 through Dec. 9. Everything placed on layaway must be paid for and picked up by Dec. 9. Wal-Mart has raised the cancellation fees this year: $20 or 20 percent, whichever is greater. This could amount to a substantial fee, and at minimum equals your down payment, so be certain that you plan to pay off the items you lay away. In some states, the cancellation fee cannot exceed $25 (Alabama) or $50 (North Carolina). No cancellation fee can be charged in Ohio, Maryland, Rhode Island, or Washington D.C. The layaway program still requires a minimum of $50 in purchases, but this year each item placed on layaway must retail for at least $10. The layaway program also excludes all wireless phones.

Sept. 12, 2018 update: Wal-Mart layaway started on Aug. 31 this year. The rules remain largely the same: No opening fee, pay 10% of $10 down (whichever is greater), and hold at least $50 worth of purchases from categories such as electronics (but no contract-required phones), toys, small appliances, select sporting goods, and jewelry. The program runs through Dec. 10, and everything must be claimed and paid off by that date. Be aware that a $10 cancellation fee now applies, except in: Ohio, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Washington D.C.

Sept. 6, 2017 update: This year, amid lagging toy sales, Wal-Mart launched its layaway program earlier than ever, on Sept. 1. The terms remain the same: pay 10% or $10 down (whichever is greater) to hold at least $50 worth of items. All items must be paid off and claimed by Dec. 11.

According to Reuters news, analysts say that, in some regions, layaway programs now account for 15% of holiday revenue at large retailers such as Wal-Mart. Star Wars items, along with video games and Lego sets, are expected to be big sellers this year. Wal-Mart boasts 300 exclusive toys for the 2017 Christmas and Hanukkah season.

Sept. 1, 2016 update: Wal-Mart launched its layaway program earlier than usual this year, Sept. 2, in part to capitalize on interest in Star Wars Rogue One merchandise as well as other hot holiday toys. Buyers must put 10% or $10 down (whichever is greater). Items placed on layaway must cost at least $10, and you’ll need to have at least $50 worth of items in your “basket” to initiate the layaway. All items must be paid off by Dec. 12.
Sept. 21, 2014 update: For the 2014 holiday season, which launched Sept. 12, all Wal-Mart layaway orders must be picked up and paid for by Dec. 15. There’s a $10 cancellation fee, but the retailer is temporarily waiving its $5 “opening fee” and expanding the categories of products that can be placed on layaway.

Each item must be $15 or more, and the total layaway value must exceed $50. The down payment required is $10 or 10 percent, whichever is greater. There is no online layaway option. Payment and pickup must be made in the store, though Wal-Mart may store some items off-site, making them available up to 10 days after final payment but no later than Dec. 15.

Aug. 24, 2013 update: Wal-Mart has ditched the $5 layaway fee for the 2013 season. However, the $10 cancellation fee that was eliminated last year is back. In a move that some in the financial press called a “desperate” move, the retailer is offering free layaway starting on Sept. 13, which is a few days earlier than last year. The last day of 2013 Wal-Mart layaway is Dec. 13, and more than 35,000 items are eligible.

Sept. 4, 2012 update: This year, Wal-Mart is launching its holiday layaway program even earlier, which may also help shoppers who are interested in back to school layaway. The store will begin to accept layaway items on Sept. 16, and consumers who “Like” Wal-Mart on Facebook can set their planned purchases aside as early as Sept. 14. In 2011, the year Wal-Mart layaway returned, items weren’t accepted until Oct. 17.

Wal-Mart has also changed its layaway rules, and buyers who pay off their balance sooner will get a better deal. Last year, there was a $5 fee plus a $10 fee if the customer cancelled. In 2012, customers will kick down a $5 layaway fee and if they pay their account off by Dec. 14 (within 60 days rather than the also-allowed 90 days), they’ll receive a $5 Wal-Mart gift card. There’s still a down payment required of the greater of $10 or 10 percent, and there’s a minimum purchase requirement of $50, and each item must cost $15 or more. However, Wal-Mart is allowing even more product types to be put on layaway, such as sports and exercise equipment and small appliances. Wal-Mart is also highlighting Apple iPad layaway and Lego layaway in addition to laptop computers and toys.

So, technically, Wal-Mart layaway is not free in 2012, but if shoppers follow through with the purchase, they’ll get their 5 bucks back in the form of a gift card. [There has been some confusion, because when 2012 Wal-mart layaway was first announced, the company, in its initial Aug. 20 press release, described a $15 open fee that could be refunded in the form of a $15 gift card.]


On Sept. 8, 2011, Wal-Mart announced the return of layaway for the Christmas season. Starting Oct. 17, select toys and electronics can be placed on layaway. (Layaway won’t be allowed on “Black Friday,” the day after Thanksgiving.) Toys must be at least $15 each, and all layaways must total at least $50. There’s a nonrefundable $5 fee, plus another $10 if you cancel the layaway.

(earlier post continues below)
After years of offering layaway to its customers, Walmart did away with the program on Sept. 14, 2006. The reasons given were that not enough people were using it and it cost too much (in staff time and floor space) to offer it. Plus, a spokesperson told media at the time, most people just use credit cards.

Some customers got together a petition to bring back Walmart layaway, but it didn’t work. Walmart spokespeople have stated on numerous occasions that the company has no plan to bring back layaway. In many stores, the physical space once occupied by the Layaway Department is now home to the Site to Store feature, for online order delivery.

Even after Wal-Mart discontinued its layaway program, the retailer continued to offer layaway on jewelry only in some markets. Some consumers report that “their” Wal-Marts still allow jewelry layaway.

Spokespeople continue to insist that ending layaway has not hurt Walmart’s business, but Internet message boards show many complaints about its absence, and Kmart is making its layaway program a key part of its Christmas advertising push.

As of December 2010, there are 10 Facebook groups devoted to petitioning for Wal-Mart to bring back layaway. One has 132,000 members.

396 Responses to “Walmart Layaway Information”

  1. WesTN says:

    I would love to put a nice 5 or 6 hundred dollar PC on lay-a-way at my local WM, but since I can’t I suppose I will drive the 50 miles to my nearest Kmart and give them my money. But since WM is the only department store around my rural area they will still get the majority of my business. That’s what they count on— we are the only thing around, because we put everything else out of town— =-|

  2. sam says:

    people should shop else where and the mess with walmart

  3. deb says:

    I also have to agree with the fact that Wal Mart should NOT have stopped layaway. I have 4 children and it is hard to get by….let alone shop for christmas. I will say one thing the local charitable orginaztions have seen an increase in people coming in and getting help with presents. When we had layaway it was much easier on everyone. NOT ALL OF US ARE RICH! WAL MART STEP UP AND DO SOMETHING, bring back layaway if even for the holidays! Please the smiles on my babies faces christmas morning depend on it!

  4. mary says:

    i used to shop at wal-mart all the time, but sadly now i go to k-mart and other stores because the offer layaway. retired and on a fixed income layaway offered me a way to get items i could not otherwise be able to get. it was the way i have gotten items for christmas and home for years. i would very much like to get more items at wal mart, but it seems that someone else is getting my money. if they don’t want i money so be it. they lose money and those of us who use layaway have to go out of our way to use other stores. please consider bring this service back

  5. Jess Stefano says:

    Totally agree Deb as you saw in my comment earlier…What can we do?

  6. Nicole says:

    Unfortunately we don’t have K-Mart here anymore. It definitely gets hard for the holidays since Walmart doesn’t have layaway anymore.

  7. Anonymous says:

    BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  8. Chris says:

    I use to spend near $800. a year on layaway at Walmart but since they did away with it I am going to Kmart. I actually found that alot of items are cheaper at Kmart and the staff was really nice in layaway.

  9. Donna says:

    In this economy where many people don’t have jobs or have very limited income, it would be really helpful if more retailers would offer layaway. I was really frustrated when Walmart stopped taking layaways. I don’t believe it when they claim that it did not hurt business because let’s face it…people are now going to Kmart or elsewhere to meet their layaway needs and that includes me. BRING LAYAWAY BACK! BRING LAYAWAY BACK!

  10. Lori says:

    I just thought I would let you know that I was at a WalMart in Renfrew ontario and they had the layaway program… it is so great to have it back again!!!

  11. Janet says:

    My grandchildren live out of town and layaway is an excellent way for me to afford paying for their Christmas. Walmart should consider bringing layaway back.

  12. Laurie says:

    I have truly missed the layaway at Walmart. Especially during the Holidays. It seems that the only way these days to give great gifts is to do layaway. But since they have taken that away from us it makes it harder to get the gifts that people want. Walmarts layaway plan made it better for shopping. Walmart layaway has been there for years to accomidate their customers. I feel they should bring it back. After all layaway is the American way. Besides it is the customers that matters. And with out us there would not be a walmart….

  13. Melissa says:

    No Worries, Wal-mart takes advantage of the fact that they have a ton of stores all over and for most people its easier. but the fact is they treat the employee’s and customers like crap, and get away with. Everyone needs to find someplace else to shop and hit wal-mart where it hurts, then just maybe it will go back to treating their customers and employees like people instead of dollar signs.

  14. jessica says:

    Seriously people all layaway does is let you make payments it doesn’t save you any money. You spend the same whether you put it in layaway or save the money yourself and spend it all at once. Put some money in an evenlope every couple weeks then go buy your stuff. Its the same concept! Layaway doesn’t make presents any more affordable or save you any money… What’s the big deal? I’m not rich either I’m a full time student working part time while taking care of my daughter. Just seems silly that you all think layaway makes it possible for you to get more, when it costs the same either way.

  15. Jasmine says:

    Totally MAD about this, WHY WALMART, I though my shopping would be easier. Well I guess not. So sad, that I have to go shopping in the stores this year. Thanks A Lot Walmart For Making Life A Little More Difficult, Thanks A Upset Consumer

  16. Jasmine says:


  17. tiffany says:

    I found that a lot of dept stores do online layaway programs and I think kmart is one of them! We don’t have a kmart here but they do ship to your house!

  18. sharon says:

    To Jessica,
    everyone is not as disciplined as you are to put money in an envelope and not touch it. No, layaway does not save you money unless of course you catch those items on sale, however, it does allow you to put your christmas list on layaway and pay over a period of time and not have to worry if you dipped into that envelope. Also, by the time you save the money to buy that high end product, chances are the store will be out of stock. That’s the beauty of layaway, the NOW factor vs the out of stock factor…

  19. ann says:

    please bring wamart layaway back! it’s not the fact that we think we are saving money, but it makes it very hard to provide christmas for families. Not only our families, but so many other families that one might buy for, for christmas. (The Needy). please, please bring it back!

  20. Melissa says:

    I used to use Walmart Layaway basically all year long. I could buy household items, birthday gifts, & yes christmas. It was the convenience of KNOWING that I had the items my children wanted/needed and that my shopping was done. You could plan MONTHS in advance. I spent thousands of dollars there on an annual bases as I also live in a rural area and there isnt much else. HOWEVER..I now travel 100 miles to the city to utilize KMART layaway. While I am there I also shop in other stores to buy bulk groceries and scout out many stores for clearance items, so the extra few bucks in gas is well worth it. KMART LAYAWAY allows you to put it on-online, make payments-online, and they will ship it to you when paid off!!!! NOW THAT is customer service.

  21. grrrrr... says:

    Wal-mart sucks !!!

  22. amy says:

    I think Toys R Us offers layaway in Greenville, SC….maybe check your local one

  23. Brandi says:

    Have decided to take my xmas shopping to Kmart and Sears since they do Layaway and have basically the same stuff as walmart. Thanks walmart for helping me make this decision easy this year, ill be back to Kmart next year and the year after just for the layaway.

  24. cece says:

    I really wnted t0 put up a xmas lay away ay WM, bt they dnt have it. H0w stupid!! I guess I will be at the nearest Kmart!!!

  25. Zena El says:

    Pls.bring back layways for the kids sake for christmas

  26. FedupinTexas says:

    Yes I was very disappointed in 2006 when they did away with layaway. It appeared as if they were trying to compete more with Target. Well good luck with that. Their staff is usually unhappy and overworked. They treat customers like cattle. The only reason why I shop there is because of the fact that they are the cheapest game in town. Not because it is fun or a good experience. Honestly, the only things I get there are paper products and cleaning aids. I will go to my local HEB grocery store for food and Tractor Supply for animal food just because the shopping experience is better and the variety is better. Sometimes things may cost 1 or 2 dollars more but with their other specials it balances out so there is not savings monetarily that would entice me to shop at a place that is not only environmentally irresponsible, but has caused so many mom and pops to go out of business that it is a crying shame. When will we learn that saving a dollar is not always worth it. Not to mention that fact that the one thing that brought me in, Lay-away, is now gone. What’s my motivation for shopping there. There’s always going to be those people that believe their advertising hype – lowest prices? What a Crock! Like I said, I would rather drive to two or three local businesses, shop their sales, save as much money, and not support the Wal-Mart Evil Empire. I bet Sam is turning over in his grave!

  27. Teresa says:

    Wal*Mart should have never done away with layaway..I used to run a program for school supplies for children and would spend closed to if not over $1000.00 for school supplies to donate to schools, programs, families etc… they had the best prices and it was nice to take the items off of layaway as they were assembled. I no longer do it because I do not have the room to store the quantities that I would buy. Thousands of children are effected. It is a shame too that working class poor families depended on this for gift giving occassions and school clothes.

  28. Unset says:

    I’m a firm believer that wal-mart is no longer the cheapest in town, and you get better deals by shopping around. I do also miss lay a way. Not just for Christmas, but for other larger items too. New cookwear, bedding, electronics. They are not necessarily items I have budgeted and may not always have the “extra money”. I’ve really changed my attitude about Walmart, and try really hard to avoid them all together. I’m finding that I am saving money and living much happier. I would love to see the population spend less at walmart and start spending the same amount of money somewhere.

  29. amy says:

    I agree with everyone. Not all of us are rich or have credit cards. I used to work at Walmart and I heard the reason they stopped layaway was because “everyone started using gift cards”. Now I am going to have to drive about 3 towns over to Kmart and put a camera on layaway. At least with kmart I can make a layaway payment online and not have to drive every week or so just to make a payment.
    WALMART: BRING LAY-AWAY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. I say so too says:

    I used to use Walmart all the time. They should bring it back the way Kmart and Sears do it. Layaway your stuff online and then have it shipped to you when it is paid off. There is no need for storage space.

    I am lucky that my Kmart is only 25 miles from my house. Thank you Kmart and Sears for saving my Christmas every year!!

  31. tanya says:

    Jessica, it does help families to buy gifts. It doesn’t save money, that’s not the point. I have 4 children. My husband & I made one trip to kmart and picked out gifts before they were all gone. They are on faraway for $50 down. Our bonuses will be here in a cpl weeks & our gifts will b waiting. After thanksgiving, Its hard to find the good gifts. We drove farther & actually pd more for some items but the shopping Is done. It was abt $700 that would have gone to Walmart but that’s ok w us.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Well, this just sucks. I used to do all of my Christmas shopping at WalMart but will have to spend my money elsewhere this year. It was so easy to put all of my gifts on layaway and get my shopping done at onetime. Last year I had to shop a little at a time and then ended up buying duplicate gifts because I had forgotten that I had already bought them. It was a total mess and I ended up having to run out at the last minute to try to return the dupicates and find something else. So this year I will be making my shopping experience less stressful. All I can say is Kmart…here I come.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Fact #1 Wal mart is no longer ran by Sam
    FAct # 2 Sams Kids run walmart sort of speek
    Fact #3 SAMs Kids dont like that they are not #1 like dad was they have to split it between the selves.
    Fact # 4 Sams kids dont care because they are selfish money grubbing and self centered.
    Fact #5 It is obivious they dont share Old man Sams morals or the value of family first and God fair and honest.
    Fact # 6 Every one just move on it wont change

  34. Emily says:

    I think its very selfish and greedy of Walmart to cancel Layaway. I don’t use credit cards. I would love to put a TV and Computer in layaway but I cant. I will be taking my business elsewhere.

  35. Pinky says:

    WM layaways was my life!!!! I remember my sister calling me from NY to break the news to me. I was devastated! It looks like the answer to our problems is to support kmart so they can open more stores. Then we won’t have to travel so far away from home.

  36. sugar says:

    Walmart really needs to think about the economy. Alot of people can only afford small payments at a time for things. Not all of us have good credit for credit cards and that bill me later crap…not everyone gets approved. I am a former Walmart employee and I myself have seen since the canclation of layaway the # of people it is affecting. I am now on SS and hubby has been laid off work with NO MORE unemploment. Its very hard to keep up on bills and frankly I’m not sure how we are going to get our kids Christmas. PLEASE BRING BACK LAYAWAY FOR US FOLKS THAT CAN’T AFFORD A CREDIT CARD or TO PAY A LUMP SUM AT ONCE. Thought Walmart cared about its customers BUT more & more everyday they show the don’t!!!!!

  37. Jess says:

    First of all before I’m crucified for this post I want to say I love the idea of layaway and use Kmart’s online and in-store layaways when I have to. BUT from a practical standpoint layaway DID NOT bring in that much money for Wal-Mart, except for the 8-12 weeks before Christmas; in a lot of cases it hurt Wal-Mart’s bottom line. I just wanted to take the chance to say here that as of 2006 I had been working in a Wal-Mart Layaway department for about 1 year and a half (and for another year after and 3 months before that in other departments AND the store I worked at really wasn’t all that bad). When we were told they were getting rid of layaway and we’d be moved to other positions, not a single one of us were surprised (there were 5 total including 3 full time and 2 part time) as many days we wondered aloud what the point in having the layaway was (at which point we were reminded at Christmas why they had it).

    The first issue with the in-store layaway program was that there would have to be at least 3 layaway associates scheduled to cover each day, every day, and up to 10 at Christmas. Most of the time outside of Christmas was spent trying to help out in other areas of the store. Now the Site-to-Stores can be covered on a secondary position basis and be addressed as needed.

    The 8-12 weeks prior to Christmas, I often saw multiple layaways in a row created totaling for the most part over $700, the rest of the year it was rare to see a layaway’s total surpass $200 (usually it was for a big purchase). Most people used the layaway to make purchases throughout the year for “storage” so they didn’t have to try to hide birthday or anniversary gifts at home. Many customers would put items on layaway, and then needing money would come in and cancel their layaways (about half of the layaways were cancelled throughout the year outside of the Christmas timeframe).

    Another downfall for Wal-Mart layaways was the fact that there were automatic price adjustments on items when the customers that didn’t end up canceling came to pick their stuff up. So if an item were put on layaway at full price and then became a clearance item, the customer automatically got this price. This was good for the customer, but had they just purchased it on their credit card they would have made the full price off of that item. This change over from Layaway to Site to Store was prior to the recession when just about everyone that applied for a Wal-Mart credit line could get it (WHICH NO ONE CAN FAULT WALMART for this strategy THEY HAD NO IDEA that the recession would occur any more than the rest of us).

    These price adjustments were also bad for Wal-Mart when customers cancelled their layaways, as many items had went on clearance or were completely gone from the shelves and out of the system, meaning Wal-Mart didn’t really make anything off of it. Everyone says that they think that Wal-Mart has lost money from dropping their layaways, I think that the 8 weeks of sincere people laying away items at Christmas didn’t make up for the other 44 weeks that there were few layaways made (really in all honestly there were days that we had no layaways made at all) and for small amounts.

    In all actuality, while we may hate the fact, Wal-Mart had to make the right choice for their bottom line, and I can attest that after layaway was closed, profit sharing bonuses for the next year did go up… quite a bit. After that I can’t say, I left and returned to school… Maybe I’ll go back into a management position some day!

  38. karla says:

    well i know my mom said it would be great if there was layaway bacause she would seperate a 600 to 700 laptop and touchscreen ipod and alot of things….but now she i s going to have to go to kmartbecause they are offering layaway and walmart is not….so i think if walmart dosent put layaway back then probally they wont have that much costumers on christmas time because most of them would be shopping at kmart for the layaway they have wich walmart dosent …so i think it would be great if walmart thinks a little better and puts layaway back…cuz i am sure they will have more costumers than last year……plz comment back anyone

  39. karla says:

    and they should think how they are effecting the economy because most of the kids on christmas would not be getin present because thier parents cant afford walmart should think better for those kids and put layaway would be great if they did…………………………………………………………………………….i hope they do……………peace out

  40. kylie says:

    wal mart needs layaway again. enough said!

  41. Becky says:

    Just discovered through the web WM no longer does lay-a-way. Too bad. Kmart will receive my time/money. I wonder why LAW accounts can’t just be set-up at the same center they do exchange refunds? Other industries cross-train, and multi-task their workers. Surely WM is not above doing this? But thinking about it from a business perspective, I guess WM is smart, get rid of LAW, which charges no interest, and push WM’s credit card that does. I am sure their revenues are more from that approach.

  42. Dan says:

    Jess get a clue. Walmart’s Christmas sales this year are Flat The only way they are staying profitable is relying on their international sales. Kmart has taken A huge bite out of WM sales with their layaway. I am sorry Kmart a near bankrupt company a few years ago can make layaway work and Walmart cant. Please Walmart only grew because of customer service and providing people with what they wanted at a reasonable price.If this is still part of their mission statement then they really need to fire the people responsible for removing layaway at the stores.

  43. PwrPak says:

    Did u know, once a new Walmart is built, they wont have many sales on stuff , an employee told my mother by accident that shareholders need to pay off store first. plus Sears brought back there layaway , since Sears and Kmart merged .kmart in my town (Big K) doesnt have computers like Walmart does.. thats alright Best Buy , has sales on thier DVD’s when they first come out on the new ones. and pretty much good sales on DvD.

    just my 2 cents worth..

  44. Eric says:

    Why not just save the money over time instead of just paying a little bit at a time. Is it so hard to budget money.

  45. Lasha says:

    I agree with the majority of everyone here. Walmart should bring back the layaway, even if its just for the Christmas holidays. Espicially with the economy the way it is, it will make it easier for families to provide a nice christmas for their kids. I HATE that they did away with it because that was the only way for most lower income families to get things for their household, and gifts for their kids. Walmart please think about bringing the layaway back.

  46. Trish says:

    If walmart had a layaway they would of gotten my $900.00 spending spree for christmas, but they missed out on that bill, K-mart got and it, and it will make my one year old very happy. it is a shame we have to shop at K-mart when i would rather spend my money at walmart……such a shame…..

  47. Shawn says:

    Being able to put items on layway can save you money! I used it when things went on sale!!! instead of having to wait until I had all the money and having to get it at full price! This year I drove over an hour and half to go to Kmart. I am on strike against walmart. It has been over 2 months since I have stepped in a walmart! I am using my local mom and pop stores and taking advantage of their sales! I would normally spend over 200 a week at walmart for food, clothes, pet supplies…everything I needed, now I watch the sale papers and go local! Sometimes I might be able to get a few things we need but guess what I will wait until it goes on sale at another store before I go back to Wally World! matter of fact about to head out now! Our local Coner Market does the pick 5 for 20 on meat!! Walmart cann’t beat that!

  48. Karen says:

    I love my Wal-Mart. There is only one store that I am aware of that offers layaway. And that is K-Mart. Target has never offered it. Meijers I don’t know as I don’t shop there a lot. A solution to a lot of peoples problems can be easily solved. One, for Christmas, start a Christmas Club at your bank or credit union. Or purchase a card at almost any retailers and keep adding on it thru the year.

    Yes, layaway was convenient. But also expensive to the retailers. A lot of things got purchased thru layaway. But a lot also got returned to stock because either the customers couldn’t afford it anymore, didn’t want the items, or just simply never did anything with it after putting it on layaway. And especially at Christmas time this can impact any retailer as far as profit or loss. And everyone one is for profit. Whether individuals or companies.

    Everyone has their opinions about things. But does anyone take into consideration the contributions Wal-Mart provides. And the help thru donations during the times of disaster?

  49. Priscilla says:

    I was a layaway queen at walmart I started when I had my daughter in 1992 but they cut it out so now I can’t do it any more I really feel walmart doesn’t care about the customers that have made them rich! Because if they did they would do what is right and continue to offer a way for the consumers to get what they need from them. They can save that it wasn’t being used bull because I would layway there all the time . I used to have 3-4 layways in there at one time and get everyone of them out.

  50. Mae says:

    I have worked with stores that offered layaway and although it did take up more space it was worth it to the store. There are several items I need to but like 2 laptops, a rolling tool storage unit and several more pricey items that I will be purchasing a Sears or K-mart because I am a single mother of 7, work full time and attend school to become a teacher so I can not just simply outright purchase these items and anyone who had children knows full well it is almost impossible to save that kind of money because something always comes up but if you have something on layaway you can pay little by little or put large payments when you have the extra money. I hope Walmart brings back the program but do not honestly see it happening. We created that monster now we can either keep supporting them and deal with it or go elsewhere and show them that we are the ones that made them who they are.

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